Left brain support for right brain Creative Entrepreneurs

Left brain v right brain

Through my coaching work with Creative Entrepreneurs, I’m fascinated by the workings of the left brain v the right brain.  The left brain is the part of us that deals with logic, analysis, numbers, structure etc. The right brain is more abstract, using intuition, imagination, feelings and colour etc. Coming originally from a left brain focused corporate world, I love operating in a world where these right brain traits are more valued. And I love helping right brain people make a living from expressing those traits.

The key to becoming a successful Creative Entrepreneur

I truly believe that to become a successful Creative Entrepreneur, it’s crucial there’s a mix of left brain and right brain skills in your business. You could be the most talented artist, but if you have no idea how to sell your work or manage the commercial side then you’ll struggle to make a decent living. But if you add into the mix some know-how around selling, managing your finances, some focus and structure etc. this can quickly transform your business.

My role as Coach is not to teach Creatives how to create!  Mostly, I can only marvel at their talent. My role is to compliment their right brain skills with left brain skills so that they can, well, carry on creating! I do think it’s important also to try and enable Creatives to be self-sufficient in their businesses. So, I try and coach left brain skills in a way which appeals to the right brain. But I will also encourage certain left brain tasks to be outsourced where there is a clear business benefit and to enable more focus on a Creative’s strengths. 

I should also mention here that there are some lucky Creative Entrepreneurs out there who are skilled at managing both left brain and right brain activities in their business. And I salute you!! 

What happens when left brain and right brain combine

As well as being a Life Coach and Creative Coach, I’m also a partner in a creative business.  And one of the things I love about it is that each of the four partners have our own left brain and right brain skills. And mixed together, it creates a kind of magic formula which has helped us land licensing deals and sell into well known shops and tourist venues. We’ve got the creative work out into the commercial world (and manage the business ‘nitty gritty) in a way which I think would have been otherwise impossible. And I am so passionate about helping other Creatives to get their work out there, to be seen, to earn some decent money and to feel calmer about the non-creative necessities of running a business.  It’s the reason why I set up my coaching practice!  

Recommended reading for Creative Entrepreneurs

If you’re looking for something to help you in your creative business, I can recommend The Right-Brain Business Plan and Building Your Business the Right-Brain Way by Jennifer Lee.  Both of these present a completely fresh approach to tackling the left brain tasks that are needed to be successful in a creative business.

And if you’re intrigued by where you sit on the spectrum of left v right, there are a number of online tests you can do to give you an idea.  I used this one:  https://www.arealme.com/left-right-brain/en/   I hope you find it helpful and enlightening!



About the Author

Rebecca Kirk is a Life, Career & Creative Coach dedicated to enabling people to find happiness through their work and make a living doing what they love.  Find out more about Rebecca and the one-to-one coaching options available.   


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