Wondering about your new years resolutions? Thinking of joining the gym, giving up smoking, learning to meditate? This year, I also encourage you to think about your Happy Place – both in and out of work. Where/what/who makes you feel joyful, inspired and content? Make 2019 the year that you find your Happy Place and create a lifestyle and career that can enable you to go there more often.
I love the turn of a new year. There’s a really powerful energy to it. Each December, I go to the Norfolk coast for a family break. The beach is my happy place. I spend a lot of time there, remembering and giving thanks for everything that has happened in the year about to pass and setting a new intention for the year ahead. So many of the things I had put out an intention for this year have happened or are about to happen and it never ceases to amaze me.
The Universe is abundant and the vastness of the sea reminds me of this. I recently listened to a Louise Hay talk from the 1980s where she gets you to imagine being at the ocean with a vessel to take some of the water (which represents your prosperity). The size of the vessel we imagine is very telling in terms of what we are open to receiving. Often subconsciously we limit what we think we can or should receive. As you consider your new years resolutions and put our your intention, try and consciously expand your field of view and imagine a much larger vessel to take in the abundance that is available to us all.
Your happy place could be a place you love to visit, a person you enjoy being with, a job you love to do, or even a feeling inside
Also, the ebbing and flowing of the tide reminds me of nature’s cycles and how in our lives there is an ebb and a flow to almost everything. A time when we are feeling energised and things are flowing for us and a time when we need to retreat and be more nurturing to gather the strength to bring a change into being. At the end of the year I always spend time with my clients reflecting on where they are at – everything they have achieved and experienced and considering what they are still looking to achieve and experience in the year ahead.
Your happy place could be a place you love to visit, a person you enjoy being with, a job you love to do, or even a feeling inside. I encourage you to spend just 15 minutes this new year thinking about your happy place and setting your intention to find it in 2019.
Finding my happy place in both work and life has given me the inspiration and the experience to work with others to do the same. What is your happy place? Where would you love to be in 2019? What do you want to feel, where do you want to go, what work would you love to do and what do you want to experience? Is this the year you are finally going to make that happen?