My Spiritual Lesson in Glastonbury

Glastonbury Tor Spiritual Lesson

Spiritual lessons can appear in mysterious ways. For many years I have felt a call to visit Glastonbury. I have been curious about the town and the energy of a place which has drawn so many mystics, musicians, artists and hippies over the years.  A year later than planned, I have just made that visit.  Here I share my unexpected spiritual lesson…

A spiritual lesson I didn't expect

I journeyed to Glastonbury with curiosity but with no expectations as to how I might feel or the energy that I might pick up on.  As I wondered around the many crystal shops on the high street on arrival and mingled amongst the tie-die kaftan wearing women and the bearded sandal-wearing men, I felt both a deep sense of belonging but also a feeling of not being quite spiritual enough, not quite hippy enough, not quite anything!  I suddenly felt quite vanilla in a world of colour and flavour.

Although I went to Glastonbury without expectations, this feeling threw me.  It made me question my way of life, the work that I do and my labelling myself as a ‘spiritual person’.  Every trip brings me a message of some sort, and I was hoping that this was not the message I was being shown – which might see me retreat back into my shell and revert back to a purely physical/rational existence. 

Spiritual Lesson in Glastonbury

Getting the spiritual lesson

I spent the next day emersed in nature.  I did the glorious climb up Glastonbury Tor (met on the entrance by a beautiful black cat) followed by a meditative walk around the Chalice Well Garden (a place which has inspired one of my favourite spiritual teachers, Rebecca Campbell, who now lives in Glastonbury).  

It all came clear to me.  I had in fact met my ego.  That part of me that was saying ‘you don’t look like a spiritual person or a mystic or a hippy, so how can you claim to be spiritual’. That part of me that was judging myself on my outer form rather than what is on the inside.  And what is on the inside is what truly counts.  

My version of spirituality doesn’t call me to look a certain way or wear a certain thing. But that’s ok!  I truly believe that we are all spiritual beings having a human experience but that we are all at different stages on that path. 

Whilst I am open and accepting of all the different facets and expressions of spirituality which were on offer in Glastonbury, I also now realise my place in the world and the purpose of my work is of a more grounded and accessible nature.  It’s about making sense of our human experience and tapping into the guidance which surrounds us all, to find our own individual place in the world, no kaftan needed. 

Chalice Well Garden

Embrace your own spirituality

I have never felt the need to claim allegiance to one particular religion or spiritual teacher, but rather cherry pick the elements which truly resonate with me and which capture the essence of spirituality and of having a connection with the higher force which I believe exists.  So why would the outer appearance be any different?  It will make me think twice about ever judging anyone on how ‘spiritual’ they come across on the outside.

Whatever stage you are at on your spiritual path and whatever outward expression of your spirituality you do or don’t feel drawn to, I encourage you to embrace it.  Perhaps there is just a feint whisper of belief that there is something bigger out there that you wish to explore. Maybe you are simply curious to find out who you are at a deeper level, beyond the roles you play in and out of work.  Or perhaps you are ready to fling the doors open on the spiritual closet you’ve been hiding in for the past 10 years and let the world see how important this is to you.   

Coaching The Coach Rebecca Kirk

Hello, I'm Rebecca

Career and Business Coach for people on a spiritual path

I work with people who are yearning to discover a more fulfilling working life and awaken their true potential. And to be supported in a way which resonates with them more deeply than traditional coaching. 

Through my holistic approach, hundreds of clients from around the world have found the clarity and confidence to navigate their career crossroads, launch their purpose-led business and awaken to a greater sense of purpose, peace and prosperity.


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