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Coming From Behind The Curtain

Coming From Behind The Curtain

I have a confession to make. I have been hiding. My last Facebook post was in October 2019. Ever since I set up my own business back in 2011, I have had an arms-length relationship with social media and blogging. I have occasionally dipped my toe in the water with it, only to run straight back to the safety of the changing room. Well, times are changing and, to use an expression of my brother’s, it’s time for me to ‘come from behind the curtain’… 

What I learnt during lockdown

Lockdown has brought some very welcome reflection time for many.  For me, it has given me the headspace to do some deep healing work which has, in turn, led me to re-evaluate this relationship with social media. Whilst I choose not to fully engage with it in my personal life, I do understand the power of it to share information and to create a sense of community and support otherwise impossible. 


So, I realise now more than ever two things:

I have been letting my ego get in the way of putting myself out there more fully and being a support to those in need.
Now is the time the world needs us to step up to the plate and share our message, fully, wholeheartedly and without reserve. 

Others who have come from behind their curtain

I have faith in what I do and the power it has to change lives.  And that’s largely because what I share is an amalgamation of what I have learnt and put into practice from the great teachers who have influenced my life over the past 20 plus years.  Teachers such as Eckhart Tolle (author of The Power of Now), Rebecca Campbell (author of Light Is The New Black), Richard Bolles (author of What Color is Your Parachute – the book which sparked my own career transformation) and the late great Louise Hay (because of whom affirmations and the link between body, mind and spirit are now a part of popular culture.)  It has dawned on me that if they had held themselves back by their ego and by fear, I would never have learnt all the lessons which they taught me. I am eternally grateful to them for putting themselves out there and sharing their light and their wisdom and the catalyst for transformation which that provided. 

Workplace wellbeing coaching people who benefit

It's time to make things happen

I also believe there is a newly emerging sense of the shortness of life and that now is the time to get on with doing what you want to do and finding work that you love.  In addition to lockdown, I have experienced some profound personal loss within this past 12 months which has certainly spurred me on to make things happen that previously I would just ‘get round to doing sometime’.  Life is short.  Don’t just settle for what is.  Create the change you want to experience. 


The time feels right for me to get out of my own way and come from behind the curtain.  To stop playing my cards so close to my chest.  So, you can expect to hear a little more from me over the coming weeks and months (although it will never be my style to bombard your inbox or post feed!)  Some of it you may find useful. Some of it you may not. That’s for you to decide. But if I come from behind the curtain, there is at least a chance that something useful will reach you.  


So there you have it.  Cards on the table! 




• Are you stopping yourself from making a career change because you are scared you might fail?

• Are you holding yourself back from sharing your message because of what others might think?

• Are you afraid to set up your own business which you know can help others because you don’t think you’re good enough?

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