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Spiritual Career Coaching: A new way to find happiness at work

Spiritual Career Coaching: A new way to find happiness at work

I am happy to announce that I have relaunched my business to focus in on career coaching for people on a spiritual path. With the inner pull now too loud to ignore (alongside the energetic shift taking place on the planet), it feels like the right time to focus exclusively on this spiritual approach. Here I share with you the what, the why and the how so you can see whether to come on this journey with me.

Spiritual Career Coaching: What is it?

In a nutshell it is career coaching which harnesses your spiritual beliefs and your spiritual power to create a more profound and lasting change in your working life.

I want to clarify one thing from the outset.  When I use the word spiritual, I am not necessarily referring to religion. Whilst all religious view points are always welcome, this is more about having an awareness of, or a belief in, a higher force. You may refer to it as: The Universe, The Divine, God, Consciousness, Source, Universal Intelligence or something else entirely. Or you might not refer to it by any name at all, but instead have a felt sense of connection to nature. 

The key thing which underpins all of these is an awareness of there being a loving, guiding force at work which connects everyone and everything.  

Although I am focusing on a spiritual approach, there is no forcing of spiritual ideas, no agenda being pushed, no desire to try and convert you to a certain way of thinking. I meet you wherever you are at on your own individual spiritual path. 

And we don’t focus on the spiritual side in isolation. Rather, it compliments some of the practical tools and topics which are also important in helping you find happiness in your working life. (More on that later).

Spiritual Career Coaching: Who is it for?


  • At a crossroads, unsure which direction to take 
  • Longing to find your true purpose
  • Ready to make a career change 
  • Considering launching your own purpose-led business
  • In a career you love but needing to make it more sustainable
  • Wanting to reach more of your potential which you know you have been holding yourself back from


And perhaps you can identify with one of these stages on your spiritual path…

Spiritually Curious 
  • you have a pull towards discovering more about your spiritual nature even though you don’t yet fully understand it
  • you’d like to dip your toe in the water in exploring this side of yourself and what’s out there
  • you have a quiet voice whispering to you that there might be something more to life than what the eye can see
  • you don’t know how to access the spiritual side of yourself or how to connect to this other world 
  • you feel unfulfilled by many aspects of life and have started to question if this is all there is
Spiritual Seeker 
  • you have an awareness of there being a higher force at work 
  • you can feel that there is a more authentic Self lurking under the surface
  • you have experienced the power of practices such as meditation, yoga and mindfulness
  • you want to align your work or your life more to who you truly are
  • you have a sense there is a deeper reason why you are here and want to understand it  
  • you know that your life could be more abundant and peaceful but you’re still a little bit lost
  • you are searching for answers to questions in the books you read and the people you listen to  


Spiritually Awakened
  • you have had a major awakening which has changed your life
  • you have a deep understanding of who you are and why you’re here 
  • you have already aligned your work with your True Self
  • you live your life in a fully conscious way in the choices you make
  • you have no doubt about the existence of a higher force and your connection to it
  • you are true to yourself in all aspects of your life


Wherever you are on your spiritual path, chances are you are likely to be turned off by a corporate approach to career coaching!

I appreciate that this spiritual approach will not be for everyone and that already you might not identify with what I’m writing about.  I am in no way judging anybody who for whom this doesn’t resonate.  We are all on our own path.  And for some, that means having a purely human experience.  There are some fantastic life coaches and career coaches out there who will be a better fit for you. 

But if this does resonate, then please read on…

Why I am mixing Spirituality with Career Coaching

You may be curious as to why (or how) I am combining spirituality with career coaching. Spirituality in coaching is about connecting you both internally to your True Self and connecting you externally to the guiding force which supports you.  Both of which can have a profound impact on your career and your life.  

By taking a spiritual approach to career coaching, it opens up a whole world of opportunity.  In my experience and the feedback I receive from clients who have been open to a spiritual approach to career coaching, here are some of the benefits:

  • It helps make sense of why you are here and the work you are here to do
  • It helps you see the bigger picture instead of the immediate difficulty you’re experiencing
  • You will feel more supported and guided and less alone as you make a career change
  • It connects you to your creativity and your own life force energy – both of which can enable you to perform at much higher levels within your work
  • Your toolkit expands – there are so many more strategies and practices which can support you
  • It enables you to create a more profound and lasting change across all areas of your life
  • Through your work challenge you can awaken on your spiritual journey (and vice versa)
  • It deepens the experience for you – it feels more expansive and life-affirming

My mission as a
Spiritual Career Coach

My mission is to enable you to use your career challenge as a catalyst to a deeper awakening.  An awakening not only to your true potential but to who you are underneath the roles you play and to the higher force which supports you.  So that you can connect with the peace, purpose and prosperity that is waiting for you.

How I bring Spirituality into Career Coaching

I want to highlight again that I use a blended approach which is still very grounded.  This means we will still look at the more tangible aspects of your career such as: 

  • taking an inventory on your skills and strengths
  • identifying and releasing any blocks to progress
  • creating a career or business vision
  • mapping out a transition plan or business launch plan

It is the combination of these practical, grounded steps alongside the spiritual tools and practices below which I have seen create profound and lasting transformation.

The 8 Spiritual Foundations

There are 8 key spiritual foundations which form the basis of the spiritual approach that I take:

Consciously bringing your desires into being through your thoughts, energy and inner state of calm.


Raising your vibration so you can become a powerful attracting force for what you want to manifest.


Connecting to the voice of inner wisdom and intuiting the support and guidance from the Universe.


Revealing your True Self and aligning your life and career to who you are beneath the roles you play. 


Releasing any blocks or limiting patterns which are keeping you stuck so you can develop self-belief and trust.


Recognising your gifts and talents, your callings and how you can make a difference in the world.


Connecting with the Divine Flow and opening up to receive the prosperity of the Universe.


Using the power of the present moment to empower your doing and feel a deeper sense of peace.

How I work as a Spiritual Career Coach

Whilst I am qualified as a Spiritual Coach, there are other aspects which I see as equally important which I bring to my clients:

  • I see myself as a vessel – in many ways I am not doing the work, I open myself up to the intuitive messages and the guidance which the Universe sends me in order to support you
  • I share with you the learnings from my own spiritual journey and specifically how that has helped me with my own career and business transitions
  • I also share with you a curation of the most impactful teachings of some of the world’s most important spiritual teachers

 Discover more about Spiritual Coaching and Career Coaching below

New spiritual career coaching programmes and content

As well as 3 brand new spiritually focussed career coaching programmes, I will be sharing content with a more spiritual flavour on my social channels and through my blog which will enable you to:

  • feel more guided and supported on your career path
  • connect more fully with your True Self
  • understand your purpose and find a deeper level of fulfilment
  • create a more peaceful and balanced working life
  • become even more powerful and effective in your work

If you're ready to make changes in your career and you're on a spiritual path, then let's connect the two and begin a magical transformation journey...

You can join my mailing list or connect with me on my social channels (see the bottom of the site).  Or you can find out more about my career coaching programmes below.

Hello, I'm Rebecca

Career Coach for people on a spiritual path

I support mid-career professionals who are  ready to make a career change, launch into a more purpose-led career or business or simply enjoy a more fulfilling or balanced working life.  

believe that we all have a purpose here on earth and that life is too short to be constantly stressed, unfulfilled or playing small. 

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