Manifestation: 5 ideas to bring your intentions into being

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As I sit writing this blog in my new home, which I’ll be referring to as ‘Hampson’, I can’t help but reflect on the intention I set during my travels in India many months ago. Using my own New Year Workbook I wrote the following: 

‘Imagine something like Hampson or better manifesting and trust that your spirit guide will help you.’

This was because I had found my dream home. It ticked every box, but more than that, the energy I felt when I crossed the threshold instantly attracted me. I could see myself living there, working there, being happy there. But it wasn’t to be! The sellers accepted another offer and so, as I set off on my travels to India, I knew I needed to bring some positive energy to my house hunt.

While in many ways I’m not surprised that Hampson came back to me (because of the strong connection I felt and the visions I had been having) I am grateful, reassured and reminded, yet again, of the power of manifestation.

Which is why I thought it might be useful to share some of my manifestation learnings and how I incorporate it into my life. Manifestation can be a powerful tool during a career change, allowing you to welcome in the changes you wish to see in your working life. It can also be daunting if you’re unsure where to start. I hope that my simple, practical suggestions will help you on your career journey.

Manifestation Idea #1: Make it real with an intention

I think of manifestation as a process of using your thoughts and your energy to bring something into being. That begins with clarity. Such as understanding what it is you want to happen to bring a greater sense of purpose and peace to your life. An intention can truly help with this clarity. Distilling your desire into a single sentence. It could be ‘I want a greater balance between life and work’, or perhaps ‘I want to turn my hobby into a business’, or even simply ‘I want a career with more purpose’.

Manifestation Idea #2: Give it a voice through an affirmation

Once you have set an intention, it can become an affirmation. By repeating your intention daily and with purpose, you begin to bring that intention out of your head and into reality. Affirmations can shift negative thoughts and promote positive thinking, self-esteem and motivation. If we bring affirmations into our daily practice, we may be able to create new pathways in the brain, in a similar way to muscle memory. Instead of focusing on what we don’t want, affirmations are a tool to focus us on what we do want. This helps us stay positive during what can often be a very difficult and unsettling time.

Manifestation Idea #3: See the reality through visualisation

Visualising your intention is another powerful way to manifest. It helps to get your mind and body ready for what you want to happen. It also releases your intention to the Universe. There are many ways you could choose to visualise your intention. You could create a mood board, with visual representations of your intention that you look at each day. You could go for a calming, meditative walk in nature and picture your intention becoming a reality in your mind. The important act of visualisation is that you experience the feeling behind the best possible imagined outcome and the joy that can bring you.

Manifestation Idea #4: Increase your attraction through your vibration

Your thoughts hold a vibration. The process of finding and buying my home took me out of my calm centre and into a negative spiral on numerous occasions. It is natural that anyone at a career crossroads would feel the same. However, recognising that those negative, heavy, desperate thoughts are simply the ego talking and instead, choosing to let go and release all of the tension that those negative thoughts bring will change your vibration. I truly believe that if you project positive energy the Universe will greet you with the same energy. 

There are also many other ways you can raise your vibration which you can explore on another blog post:

Manifestation Idea #5: Have faith that your intention will become a reality

Having a Daily Spiritual Practice has been extremely helpful during the ups and downs of moving house. Losing Hampson, at the beginning of the house buying process was a disappointment, but I had faith that it would return to me, as it did. My practice helped me connect back to my Higher Self each day, and also gave me an opportunity to pray for the right thing to happen, whatever that may have been.

Connection with whatever higher force resonates with you, whether it is God, the Universe, or simply a loving presence or energy can similarly help during a career change. Your Higher Self has all of the answers you need, and when you are connected with it, you can finally get rid of limiting patterns and discover innovative solutions to what you are manifesting.

So, as I look around at the numerous boxes that still need to be unpacked and pictures that need to be hung, there is one emotion that I continue to feel…one of empowerment. Manifesting this dream into a reality has given me extra confidence. I plan to now draw on this positive experience and manifest new intentions for my career.


Spiritual Career Coaching

Hello, I'm Rebecca

Career Coach for people on a spiritual path

I support mid-career professionals who are  ready to make a career change, launch into a more purpose-led career or business or simply enjoy a more fulfilling or balanced working life.  

believe that we all have a purpose here on earth and that life is too short to be stressed, unfulfilled and playing small. 


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